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Friday, October 26, 2012

Badges & Licensing

Upon reviewing last nights blog posting I must ad that my intent was to make you aware that just because someone has a badge, or a license to do something doesn't insure they are ethical, a shining example of there profession, or that they are following the law, are actually there to help your best interests.

I believe the Ronald Reagan philosophy should be followed :  (to paraphrase )   Offer to believe them but VERIFY all of it.                

Jay C

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why Do Wholesale ?

I spent the time and energy, passed the test as a WA state licenses Real Estate Broker to why do wholesale?

1. I didn't like the monthly overhead of an agency.
2. My goal as an investor is to provide great housing for the mass while making a profit.
3. I seek to represent myself and not be a taxi service for someone who will end up buying from their uncle.
4.Unethical  people will find ways to appear upholders of the law while using smoke and mirrors to hid what  there really doing. So someone hiding behind the "I'm a licensed ..." is like the story I learned 30 years ago:

Any one telling you "I'm just an old country boy and we stick by the truth around here" they are actually saying I'M SLY AS A FOX AND NEED CONSTANT WATCHING.

I guess car dealers have better lawyers or legislative lobbyist than real estate agency do because when you buy a car does the car seller have someone else step into the deal saying I represent you mister buyer  not the dealership/seller and I'm here to help only you?

So much for tonight rant.  Happy trails to you.

Wholesaler Update

Hi, Long time between post. Will see if that changes over time.
Unlike politicians: No promises.